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February 2012

Lunch Inside the Box

In decades past, lunchboxes were a big deal for kids as a carrying case and as a status symbol, but by the 1990’s the disposable brown bag filled with disposable plastic bags began to rule the school. This lunchtime change up is explored in A Brief History of the Lunchbox. But what they don’t really talk about is how much waste this change has caused. According to Nubius Organics each person’s brown bag lunch can cause between 4 and 8 ounces of garbage adding up to as much as 100 pounds per year.


Looking back, it’s great to see the cool looking shapes and graphics of these lunch boxes. And looking forward, well made, stylish and reusable food containers are still great accessories for kids—and adults—who are trying to create less waste while eating on-the-go. If you’re not really feeling that 1980’s He-Man lunch box on ebay, there are lots of great contemporary options for fun and functional reusable lunch containers.

This video from goes over most of the basic things too look for.

Even better, these tips and tricks can work for any meal. Once you get into the swing of a zero waste lunch, why not carry your reusable bags to dinner to instead of asking your waiter for a to-go box? Let us know how you have managed to kick the brown bag trend!